标签: 跨境电商英语词汇大全




       1. International trade(国际贸易)- The exchange of goods and services between countries.2. E-commerce(电子商务)- The buying and selling of products or services over the internet.3. Global market(全球市场)- The worldwide marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold.4. Import(进口)- The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.5. Export(出口)- The process of sending goods or services from one country to another for sale.6. Customs(海关)- The government authority responsible for regulating and controlling the flow of goods in and out of a country.7. Tariff(关税)- A tax imposed on imported goods and services by the government.8. Duty(关税)- A fee or tax levied on certain goods imported or exported.9. Incoterms(国际贸易术语)- A set of standardized three-letter trade terms that define the obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade.10. Supply chain(供应链)- The entire process involved in the production and distribution of a product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery to the customer.以上为一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇,只是冰山一角。







       1. International trade(国际贸易)- The exchange of goods and services between countries.2. E-commerce(电子商务)- The buying and selling of products or services over the internet.3. Global market(全球市场)- The worldwide marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold.4. Import(进口)- The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.5. Export(出口)- The process of sending goods or services from one country to another for sale.6. Customs(海关)- The government authority responsible for regulating and controlling the flow of goods in and out of a country.7. Tariff(关税)- A tax imposed on imported goods and services by the government.8. Duty(关税)- A fee or tax levied on certain goods imported or exported.9. Incoterms(国际贸易术语)- A set of standardized three-letter trade terms that define the obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade.10. Supply chain(供应链)- The entire process involved in the production and distribution of a product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery to the customer.以上为一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇,只是冰山一角。









       下面是一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇:1. B2B(Business to Business):企业间的商业交易,如供应商和买家之间的交易;2. B2C(Business to Customer):企业到消费者之间的交易;3. FOB(Free On Board):指卖方在装运商品后,把货物交到海运公司或航空公司指定的起运港口或机场为止的一种贸易术语;4. CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight):包括货物、保险和运费的一种贸易术语;5. Incoterms(International Commercial Terms):国际商务术语,包括商业交易中所使用的相关条款和条件;6. Dropshipping:一种商业模式,供应商直接将产品发货给顾客,无需经过零售商;7. Cross-border e-commerce:跨境电子商务,实现不同国家或地区间线上贸易的一种方式;8. E-commerce platform:电商平台,提供线上交易的平台;9. Customs clearance:海关清关,指商业物品进出口时经过海关审批和放行的程序;10. Tariffs:关税,进口或出口商品时需要缴纳的税款。







       1. International trade(国际贸易)- The exchange of goods and services between countries.2. E-commerce(电子商务)- The buying and selling of products or services over the internet.3. Global market(全球市场)- The worldwide marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold.4. Import(进口)- The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.5. Export(出口)- The process of sending goods or services from one country to another for sale.6. Customs(海关)- The government authority responsible for regulating and controlling the flow of goods in and out of a country.7. Tariff(关税)- A tax imposed on imported goods and services by the government.8. Duty(关税)- A fee or tax levied on certain goods imported or exported.9. Incoterms(国际贸易术语)- A set of standardized three-letter trade terms that define the obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade.10. Supply chain(供应链)- The entire process involved in the production and distribution of a product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery to the customer.以上为一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇,只是冰山一角。






       下面是一些常用的跨境电商英语词汇:1. Cross-border e-commerce(跨境电子商务):指在国际间展开电子商务交易和活动的商业行为。

       2. B2B(Business to Business,B2B):指企业间进行的电子商务交易,即在企业和企业之间的交流和交易。

       3. B2C(Business to Consumer,B2C):指企业对消费者直接进行的销售和交易,即在企业和消费者之间的交流和交易。

       4. Dropshipping(代发货):指卖家与供应商合作,将订单直接发给供应商,由供应商直接发货给消费者。

       5. Supply chain(供应链):指在产品或服务的生产和销售环节中涉及的所有环节和参与者。

       6. Customs clearance(清关):指在商品跨越国家边境时必须通过的政府申报和审批手续。

       7. Payment gateway(支付网关):指用于在线支付的技术和服务,确保支付的安全和可靠。

       8. Return policy(退货政策):指商家对于消费者退货的政策和规定。

       9. Virtual marketplace(虚拟市场):指通过互联网平台进行商品销售和交易的市场。







       1. International trade(国际贸易)- The exchange of goods and services between countries.2. E-commerce(电子商务)- The buying and selling of products or services over the internet.3. Global market(全球市场)- The worldwide marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold.4. Import(进口)- The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.5. Export(出口)- The process of sending goods or services from one country to another for sale.6. Customs(海关)- The government authority responsible for regulating and controlling the flow of goods in and out of a country.7. Tariff(关税)- A tax imposed on imported goods and services by the government.8. Duty(关税)- A fee or tax levied on certain goods imported or exported.9. Incoterms(国际贸易术语)- A set of standardized three-letter trade terms that define the obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade.10. Supply chain(供应链)- The entire process involved in the production and distribution of a product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery to the customer.以上为一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇,只是冰山一角。





       跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce)是指通过互联网和电子商务技术,以国与国之间进行贸易交易。


       1. B2C (Business-to-Consumer):商家对消费者的直接销售模式。

       2. C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer):消费者之间的交易模式。

       3. E-commerce platform:电子商务平台。

       4. E-shop:网络商店。

       5. International shipping:国际物流。

       6. Customs declaration:报关。

       7. Import/export license:进出口许可证。

       8. Tariffs:关税。

       9. Duty-free:免税。

       10. Payment gateway:支付网关。

       11. Online payment:在线支付。

       12. Customer reviews:顾客评价。

       13. Return policy:退货政策。

       14. Dropshipping:代发货。

       15. Cross-border trade:跨境贸易。







       1. International trade(国际贸易)- The exchange of goods and services between countries.2. E-commerce(电子商务)- The buying and selling of products or services over the internet.3. Global market(全球市场)- The worldwide marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold.4. Import(进口)- The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.5. Export(出口)- The process of sending goods or services from one country to another for sale.6. Customs(海关)- The government authority responsible for regulating and controlling the flow of goods in and out of a country.7. Tariff(关税)- A tax imposed on imported goods and services by the government.8. Duty(关税)- A fee or tax levied on certain goods imported or exported.9. Incoterms(国际贸易术语)- A set of standardized three-letter trade terms that define the obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade.10. Supply chain(供应链)- The entire process involved in the production and distribution of a product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery to the customer.以上为一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇,只是冰山一角。







       1. International trade(国际贸易)- The exchange of goods and services between countries.2. E-commerce(电子商务)- The buying and selling of products or services over the internet.3. Global market(全球市场)- The worldwide marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold.4. Import(进口)- The process of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.5. Export(出口)- The process of sending goods or services from one country to another for sale.6. Customs(海关)- The government authority responsible for regulating and controlling the flow of goods in and out of a country.7. Tariff(关税)- A tax imposed on imported goods and services by the government.8. Duty(关税)- A fee or tax levied on certain goods imported or exported.9. Incoterms(国际贸易术语)- A set of standardized three-letter trade terms that define the obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade.10. Supply chain(供应链)- The entire process involved in the production and distribution of a product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery to the customer.以上为一些常见的跨境电商英语词汇,只是冰山一角。






       以下是一份跨境电商英语词汇大全,供您参考:1. Cross-border e-commerce(跨境电商):Refers to the online purchase and sale of products across international borders.2. Import(进口):The act of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.3. Export(出口):The act of selling goods or services to another country.4. Customs(海关):Government agency responsible for regulating and facilitating international trade.5. Tariff(关税):A tax imposed on imported or exported goods by the government.6. Duty(关税):A fee paid on imported goods, calculated as a percentage of the goods’ value.7. Incoterms(国际贸易术语):Standard trade terms used in international contracts to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.8. Payment terms(付款条件):Agreed-upon terms and conditions for making payments in international transactions, such as letter of credit or advance payment.9. Bill of lading(提单):A document that serves as a receipt of goods and also as a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier.10. Customs clearance(清关):The process of completing formalities to allow goods to enter or leave a country.以上词汇是跨境电商中使用频率较高的一些英语词汇,掌握这些词汇将有助于您更好地与海外客户合作,并顺利开展国际交易。



       跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce):指的是在不同国家和地区之间进行的电子商务交易。

       1. B2C(Business-to-Consumer): 商家与个人之间的电子商务交易方式,即从商家直接面向个人消费者销售产品。

       2. C2C(Consumer-to-Consumer): 消费者之间进行的电子商务交易方式,即个体消费者通过互联网平台进行的商品买卖。

       3. E-commerce platform(电子商务平台): 提供电子商务交易服务的互联网平台,如亚马逊(Amazon)、eBay等。

       4. Global shipping(全球物流): 各类商品的国际运输服务,包括海运、空运、陆运等。

       5. International payment(国际支付): 用于跨境电商交易的支付方式,如信用卡、PayPal等。

       6. Customs clearance(清关): 指将进出口货物办理相关手续以便符合相关法规和税收政策的过程。

       7. Tracking number(订单追踪号): 快递或航空货运包裹的唯一编码,用于追踪包裹的物流状态。

       8. Customer reviews(顾客评价): 消费者对商品或服务的个人评价,用于帮助其他消费者做出购买决策。

       9. Return policy(退货政策): 商家规定的消费者申请退货或换货的条件和流程。

       10. Shopping cart(购物车): 在电商网站上用于保存用户选择的商品和进行结算的功能。

       11. Wishlist(心愿单): 用户在电商平台上收藏自己想购买的商品列表,方便后续进行购买。

       12. Promotional code(优惠码): 用户在购物时可以使用的折扣码,用于享受优惠价格。







       以下是一份跨境电商英语词汇大全,供您参考:1. Cross-border e-commerce(跨境电商):Refers to the online purchase and sale of products across international borders.2. Import(进口):The act of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.3. Export(出口):The act of selling goods or services to another country.4. Customs(海关):Government agency responsible for regulating and facilitating international trade.5. Tariff(关税):A tax imposed on imported or exported goods by the government.6. Duty(关税):A fee paid on imported goods, calculated as a percentage of the goods’ value.7. Incoterms(国际贸易术语):Standard trade terms used in international contracts to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.8. Payment terms(付款条件):Agreed-upon terms and conditions for making payments in international transactions, such as letter of credit or advance payment.9. Bill of lading(提单):A document that serves as a receipt of goods and also as a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier.10. Customs clearance(清关):The process of completing formalities to allow goods to enter or leave a country.以上词汇是跨境电商中使用频率较高的一些英语词汇,掌握这些词汇将有助于您更好地与海外客户合作,并顺利开展国际交易。




       以下是一份跨境电商英语词汇大全,供您参考:1. Cross-border e-commerce(跨境电商):Refers to the online purchase and sale of products across international borders.2. Import(进口):The act of bringing goods or services into a country from another country.3. Export(出口):The act of selling goods or services to another country.4. Customs(海关):Government agency responsible for regulating and facilitating international trade.5. Tariff(关税):A tax imposed on imported or exported goods by the government.6. Duty(关税):A fee paid on imported goods, calculated as a percentage of the goods’ value.7. Incoterms(国际贸易术语):Standard trade terms used in international contracts to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.8. Payment terms(付款条件):Agreed-upon terms and conditions for making payments in international transactions, such as letter of credit or advance payment.9. Bill of lading(提单):A document that serves as a receipt of goods and also as a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier.10. Customs clearance(清关):The process of completing formalities to allow goods to enter or leave a country.以上词汇是跨境电商中使用频率较高的一些英语词汇,掌握这些词汇将有助于您更好地与海外客户合作,并顺利开展国际交易。




       1. Cross-border e-commerce(跨境电子商务):由国家之间的电子商务活动所构成,即买卖双方位于不同国家。

       2. B2C(Business-to-Consumer,企业对消费者):指企业向个人消费者销售产品或服务。

       3. B2B(Business-to-Business,企业对企业):指企业之间进行的电子商务交易。

       4. Dropshipping(无货源运营):由供应商将商品直接发送给消费者,避免自己维持库存。

       5. Customs Clearance(海关清关):指商品在跨境进出口时,需要经过海关审批和核准的过程。

       6. Payment Gateway(支付网关):指为实现网上交易而提供的技术和服务。

       7. Virtual storefront(虚拟商店):在线商店的一个界面,用于展示产品并进行销售。

       8. Supply Chain(供应链):涉及产品从生产到消费者手中的运输、仓储、及各个环节的管理。

       9. Fulfillment Center(履行中心):存储和管理库存,并处理订单和发货的地方。

       10. Return Policy(退货政策):卖家针对商品退货所制定的规定。






       下面是一些常用的跨境电商英语词汇:1. Cross-border e-commerce(跨境电子商务):指在国际间展开电子商务交易和活动的商业行为。

       2. B2B(Business to Business,B2B):指企业间进行的电子商务交易,即在企业和企业之间的交流和交易。

       3. B2C(Business to Consumer,B2C):指企业对消费者直接进行的销售和交易,即在企业和消费者之间的交流和交易。

       4. Dropshipping(代发货):指卖家与供应商合作,将订单直接发给供应商,由供应商直接发货给消费者。

       5. Supply chain(供应链):指在产品或服务的生产和销售环节中涉及的所有环节和参与者。

       6. Customs clearance(清关):指在商品跨越国家边境时必须通过的政府申报和审批手续。

       7. Payment gateway(支付网关):指用于在线支付的技术和服务,确保支付的安全和可靠。

       8. Return policy(退货政策):指商家对于消费者退货的政策和规定。

       9. Virtual marketplace(虚拟市场):指通过互联网平台进行商品销售和交易的市场。





       跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce):指的是在不同国家和地区之间进行的电子商务交易。

       1. B2C(Business-to-Consumer): 商家与个人之间的电子商务交易方式,即从商家直接面向个人消费者销售产品。

       2. C2C(Consumer-to-Consumer): 消费者之间进行的电子商务交易方式,即个体消费者通过互联网平台进行的商品买卖。

       3. E-commerce platform(电子商务平台): 提供电子商务交易服务的互联网平台,如亚马逊(Amazon)、eBay等。

       4. Global shipping(全球物流): 各类商品的国际运输服务,包括海运、空运、陆运等。

       5. International payment(国际支付): 用于跨境电商交易的支付方式,如信用卡、PayPal等。

       6. Customs clearance(清关): 指将进出口货物办理相关手续以便符合相关法规和税收政策的过程。

       7. Tracking number(订单追踪号): 快递或航空货运包裹的唯一编码,用于追踪包裹的物流状态。

       8. Customer reviews(顾客评价): 消费者对商品或服务的个人评价,用于帮助其他消费者做出购买决策。

       9. Return policy(退货政策): 商家规定的消费者申请退货或换货的条件和流程。

       10. Shopping cart(购物车): 在电商网站上用于保存用户选择的商品和进行结算的功能。

       11. Wishlist(心愿单): 用户在电商平台上收藏自己想购买的商品列表,方便后续进行购买。

       12. Promotional code(优惠码): 用户在购物时可以使用的折扣码,用于享受优惠价格。





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