Cross-border e-commerce, also known as international online trade, has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years. With the rise of digital platforms, businesses now have unprecedented access to global markets. However, when it comes to assigning an English name to this rapidly expanding industry, there are various terms that exist. One commonly used name is “cross-border e-commerce.”The English name, “cross-border e-commerce,” accurately reflects the essence of this industry. It emphasizes the core concept: conducting commercial transactions that involve the movement of goods and services across national borders through electronic platforms. This name efficiently captures the nature of the business model, as it encompasses online marketplaces, payment gateways, and logistics infrastructure required for international trade.The significance of having a distinct English name for cross-border e-commerce lies in enhancing its recognition and establishing an international identity. Consistency in terminology facilitates communication amongst businesses, governments, and consumers worldwide. With an increasingly interconnected global economy, a standardized English name simplifies cross-border trade discussions, negotiations, and collaborations.In conclusion, the English name “cross-border e-commerce” aptly describes and represents this flourishing industry. Its usage contributes to the efficient functioning of international online trade by fostering clear communication and recognition across borders.。
